Friday 21 September 2012

The dog trics!

Once upon a time there was a littl girl called Lucy. She was sitting in her frunt room on the yellow soufer and she had a big sister called Leah. Lucy was 8 yeas old and Leah was 12 years old.

One day Lucy and Leah were teaching there dog trics in the park. They tort him how to roll over when Leah was 9 and Lucy was 6 that was two years agoa! They were gowing to try to teach him some new trics like skate bording, jumpping from the dok, pulling a wagan, skipping, barking at robbers, chasing sheep, caching rain in his mouth, darncing, bloawing a rarsby and they can try and shave hisself! THE DOG HAS TO SHAVE IT'S SELF! NO REALLY HE HAS TO DO IT!

So they tort him all the trics then they went home they had there diner and when to bed. The End.

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